Our March 1st meeting featured Janice P as our Toastmaster, who helped us get going and stay on track. Trishla took the role of timer and let us all know how we were doing. Jane introduced the word of the day; equivocal, which means having several meanings or deliberately ambiguous. One of our new members, Ranjit, amused us with a joke about a cop waiting to catch a DWI outside the bar. Instead he ends up with the designated decoy.
We had 3 speakers tonight. Bill dove right in and gave us Ice breaker which focused on the importance of friends and family. Rob gave speech #4, How to say it, and told a story about the untimely death of a co-worker. Jean-Marc delivered speech #2, Get to the point, giving more history of brick making in the Hudson Valley. Tim took over as our Table Topics Master and challenged everyone to tell either a story about recent blizzard or your most embarrassing moment. There was great participation and stories ranged from heartwarming to hysterical. Then we moved on to the evaluation portion of the meeting. Janice P evaluated Bill’s Ice breaker and complimented his stage presence and choice of content. Sanjeev evaluated Rob’s speech with a well rounded combination of praise and suggestions. Janice B evaluated Jean-Marc’s very passionate brick making speech, with some advice about keeping on time.
After the meeting, we gathered for snacks provided by Trishla and Rob.
We also welcomed our two new members Ranjit and Abhal!!!
Our next meeting will be March 15th.